The Purpose of the Blog

This blog is used to promote financial and social literacy. In addition, this blog will also be used to provide accurate and update information, and ultimately an analysis,of important econmomic and social issues. Social and economic problems are directly correlated. Many of the economic problems faced by the United States have social consequnces, and, inturn, many social problems result in problems with the productivity of our nation. Thus, creating a cycle of problems for the United States and many other developed nations. As a result, important social and economic issues affect the lives of every single citizen, even the financial literate Americans. And without the understanding of these critical issues we will not be may to navigate many of the difficult social and economic problems of our time. Without addressing many of the economic inequality problems that exists today, we will not be able to get to the root of many of our societal problems that have existed for generations. I see finanical education and fair economic policies as the answer to many of our social problems. With financial education and fair economic policy that favors development, we will be able to close the economic and education gap that still exists today.
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